Back to the office? Choose a hybrid work environment.
For over a year now, we have been working from home en masse. Online meetings became the average way of meeting. But our e-meetings bring more and more frequent annoyances. For example, there is always an invisible or audible attendee, or the enthusiasm in the meeting room causes inaudibility at the other end of the line. An audiovisual integration offers a solution for these small, everyday irritations.
As of June 28, we are no longer required to work from home. Although many entrepreneurs are still wondering how they will apply this in practice. Many companies are still considering a 100% return to the office. The many advantages of remote work are carefully weighed against the disadvantages. We'd like to offer a few tips for making back to the office as efficient as possible.
Invest in a professional video conferencing system.
When we return to the office, appointments with customers, partners or suppliers will continue to take place partly digitally. It is therefore important that the existing meeting rooms are equipped with the right equipment to work quickly and easily. A professional video conference system is an absolute must. Remote collaboration has never been so easy. Our range includes various solutions tailored to each customer and budget.
Give your meeting rooms the necessary audio boost.
What is sometimes overlooked in an integration is audio. However, it is extremely essential. A ceiling microphone offers a solution for possible audio limitations. What exactly is a ceiling microphone and does it offer effective benefits? A ceiling microphone (also called a beamforming microphone) records speech for video meetings, but is also very easy to use as a microphone during training sessions and presentations in medium to large rooms. Disturbing ambient noise - such as air conditioning or passing traffic - is easily filtered out, resulting in crystal clear sound.
This system also offers the speaker a great deal of freedom: he can walk around the room, operate his laptop or even talk in the direction of the presentation screen. In short: the speaker does not have to consider any microphone technology at all. The ceiling microphone automatically focuses on the active speaker.
Are you already familiar with the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling 2?
This ceiling microphone provides exceptional sound, through noise cancellation. The device easily captures your voice within a radius of up to 60 m² - no matter what you are doing in the room. And once TeamConnect Ceiling 2 is installed, you never have to worry about further configuration. Find out more in the video below. For more info, please feel free to contact us by phone or at info@playbiz.be